Terms and Conditions – Creative Corner Memberships
1. Things to know at the start of your membership
By signing up to a Creative Corner membership you acknowledge and agree:
- you have been given a copy of this agreement and agree to abide by your obligations in it;
- you use Creative Corner facilities at your sole risk and responsibility; and
- this agreement also relates to your authority to the debiting agent nominated by Creative Corner Inc on an annual basis to directly debit the nominated bank account or credit card for any installments or fees due under the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
1.1 What types of membership do we have?
All our membership options can be viewed online on our Memberships page on the Creative Corner website.
Please contact us if you are unsure if your membership level is correct for you
Understanding our Membership Options: Commitment
All our memberships are rolling annual memberships, meaning they automatically renew every 12 months. Please contact us directly if you wish to have a fixed term membership.
1.2 How old do you have to be?
Meeting our minimum age
You must be at least 18 years old to become a member, however we do on occasion run workshops and activities for under-18s that do not require membership to participate in.
1.3 When does your agreement start?
Signing your agreement
You have an agreement with us when you have signed up online and we have accepted it. If these terms and conditions or your agreement differ from anything you are told at Creative Corner or over the phone, these terms and your agreement will apply unless written confirmation was received from a Creative Corner employee.
Understanding our rights
If we do not enforce our agreement rights at any time, it does not mean we have waived those rights, no matter how long we wait. If there is a miscalculation in your membership agreement, we have 5 days after the agreement is signed to correct it.
1.4 Can you change your mind?
We do not accept change of mind refunds
As Creative Corner offers opportunity to access our services for non-members we do not accept change-of-mind refunds for annual memberships.
We ask that you speak with the Hub Manager if you are experiencing financial hardship and require a cancellation and refund of the remaining membership period.
2. Things to know during your membership
2.1 When do you pay membership fees?
Paying for ongoing memberships
You pay fees for ongoing membership fees annually in advance by direct debit from a bank account or credit card. Should there be any arrears in payments you authorise Creative Corner’s nominated debtor to debit the outstanding balance in order to bring the account up to date.
Renewing your membership
Your membership will be automatically renewed at the current membership rate. By renewing your membership, you agree to the membership terms that apply at that time.
If you wish to cancel your membership for any reason we require notice by email no less than 14 days before the renewal date – please email hubmanager@thecreativecorner.com.au
2.2 How do direct debits work?
Paying by Direct Debit
Your membership fees will be debited from your nominated account at the agreed payment frequency, as set out in your membership agreement. You request and authorise us to arrange for any amount we may debit or charge you to be debited by our third party direct debit billing service provider from your account subject to their terms and conditions set out in Annexure A of your membership agreement.
Meeting your responsibilities
You must make sure:
- your account can accept direct debits (your financial institution can confirm this)• there is enough money in your account on the payment day and the next 5 days
- you tell us if you are transferring or closing your account, at least 48 hours before your next direct debit
- you tell us about any changes to your credit card, such as its expiry date or number, at least 48 hours before your next direct debit.
Please notify us and your financial institution if you want to change or stop your direct debits.
Querying a payment
All queries and comments about the direct debit billing service should be directed to hubmanager@thecreativecorner.com.au
2.3 What happens if your payment is late or fails?
Losing your membership access
If you do not fully pay your fees on the due date, we will suspend your membership until your payments are up to date and you have given us your account details.
Paying your outstanding debts
We will continue to debit your nominated account without notice along with any late fees that apply, until we have received the total amount you owe us. Creative Corner will make a reasonable effort to let you know beforehand by:
- phoning you
- writing to the email address you last gave us
For membership/s in your name, you must make sure that the payment method you choose continues for the length of your agreement. This includes third-party accounts. If the details you give us fail, you are liable for all resulting fees. You should update your details and are obligated to complete your minimum term.
If the debit remains outstanding it will be processed within 14 days of the reversal with any reversal along with any late fees that apply.
If you default in payment of your membership fees we may send your outstanding debt to a third party debt collection agency to collect your outstanding fees. If this debt is sent to a third party further fees and charges may be payable.
2.4 Can we change your agreement?
Staying up to date with our terms
We may sometimes add to, change or remove our terms and conditions. This includes changing the Gallery opening and closing hours, services and facilities and membership fees. The most up-to-date terms and conditions always apply.
Being notified about changes
We will give you at least 28 days notice of any changes, for instance by:
- publishing them in our newsletter or on our website
- phoning you or writing to the address (email) you last gave us
3. Things to know at the end of your membership
3.1 How can you cancel your membership?
Cancelling your membership
You can cancel your membership by emailing us no less than 14 days prior to the automatic renewal of your annual membership at hubmanager@thecreativecorner.com.au
Confirming your request
When you do this, please always:
- give us your email address so we can confirm your request in writing
- keep a copy of your request
- make sure that you cancel your direct debits with your financial institution
Transferring your membership to another person
You cannot transfer your membership to another person.
Facing instant cancellation
We can cancel your membership without warning if you behave in a way that is risky or seriously inappropriate, such as:
- threatening or harassing others
- damaging equipment or infrastructure
5. Legal stuff you need to know
5.1 What are your responsibilities?
Meeting your responsibilities
Your responsibilities, including payment of membership fees, do not depend on how often you use your membership.
You must tell us about anything that affects your membership, and any changes to your contact and bank details.
5.2 How do we handle Privacy & Personal Information?
Understanding our privacy measures
During your membership, we will have access to personal information about you, such as about your financial situation. We will only use, disclose or deal with your information in line with our privacy measures below.
1. Statement of Commitment
Creative Corner is committed to protecting your privacy and any personal information we collect. Creative Corner complies with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). This policy explains how we may collect, use, disclose and otherwise handle personal and sensitive information.
Creative Corner is committed to safeguarding personal privacy. It recognises that individuals have a right to control how their personal information is collected and used. Providing personal information is an act of trust and it is taken seriously. Unless given consent to do otherwise, Creative Corner will only collect and use personal information as set out below.
For the purposes of this Privacy Policy personal information may mean some or all of the following: A member’s name, contact details, date of birth, emergency contact details, bank account and/or credit card details, student identification details, employment details, payment history and sensitive information.
2. Collecting personal information
We collect personal information primarily to enable us to provide members with our services or functions related thereto.
Creative Corner may also use the information for marketing to you or for any other purpose permitted under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
You don’t need to identify yourself when you deal with us (e.g. to find out more about membership packages) however in certain situations we may only deal with individuals who have identified themselves to us.
When a membership or product is purchased personal information will be requested in order to provide the requested service or product, provide updated information, and advise of other Creative Corner opportunities, which may be of interest.
Personal information is collected directly from members or potential future members when they personally complete and submit an application form to become a member of Creative Corner.
3. Using and disclosing your personal information
Personal Information will be used for the following primary purpose:
- To fulfil obligations under a member’s membership agreement and/or any other contract between them and Creative Corner;
- To render services under a member’s membership agreement;
- To provide information about opportunities or services to members;
- To record statistical data for marketing analysis from members;
- To help promote all current and future Creative Corner members’ businesses and projects;
- For any other purposes that could be reasonably expected of Creative Corner; and
- To enable Creative Corner to comply with its obligations under law.
Creative Corner may employ other companies or service providers to assist us in providing our services or any functions related to our services, including (but not limited to) marketing, market research, mail-house services, debt recovery functions, hosting and product development services, analysis of member lists and/ or consulting services. Creative Corner may disclose, and these third parties may have access, to the personal information that is needed to perform their specific function. They cannot use that information for other purposes.
The third parties to which Creative Corner may disclose personal information to includes:
- related entities of Creative Corner;
- Contractors Creative Corner engages to provide services;
- Creative Corner’s professional advisors such as legal professionals and accountants;
- law enforcement bodies; and
- any other person for any other purposes that would be reasonably expected (including if required by law).
Creative Corner recognise the trust with which individuals provide personal information, and such information will not be used or disclosed for any other purposes without consent, except in exceptional cases when disclosure may be required by law or is necessary to protect the rights or property of Creative Corner, any Creative Corner group company, or any member of the public, or to lessen a serious threat to a person’s health or safety.
Allowing us to use your image. We sometimes film or photograph our events so it is possible you will appear in the background. By signing your agreement, you allow us to use your image in promotional and other business-related material – if you do not wish to have your image included in background images please notify us either in person at any event, or via email – hubmanager@thecreativecorner.com.au
4. Problems, queries or complaints
For further information regarding our privacy measures or to make a complaint about the steps taken by Creative Corner to protect your personal information or privacy, please contact Creative Corner’s Chair by emailing admin@thecreativecorner.com.au. We will investigate any complaints received in writing and do our best to resolve them as soon as possible.
If you are not satisfied with the result of your complaint to us, you can refer your complaint to the:
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Phone: 1300 363 992
Post: GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001
Online Form: www.oaic.gov.au (Privacy Complaint Form).
Creative Corner reserves the right to review, amend, update and change this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect its practices and obligations. Any changes will take effect when they are made or posted on our website.
Initial terms
DebitSuccess will debit your nominated account for the amounts and at the frequency of payments as agreed between us on the DebitSuccess DDR Membership Agreement signed and accepted by you.
Change of terms
In the unlikely event that the initial terms are to change, they can only do so in accordance with your contract and we must give you at least 14 days’ notice of the changes including if applicable the new amount, new frequency and next debit date.
Deferring or stopping a payment
Should you wish to defer a payment to another date you must contact DebitSuccess before the date of that payment to request the deferment. Deferments are entirely at the discretion of DebitSuccess and will depend on the length of deferment, the current state of your account and your past history. You may request us to stop an individual payment however you will still be liable to make this payment by some other method or your account will become Overdue
Altering the schedule
Should you wish to alter the payment frequency or Day to Debit contact DebitSuccess and at our discretion in most instances we will be able to make the changes you require. There may be a fee charged for this service (details of any fees payable can be obtained by contacting DebitSuccess on 1-800 040 576). Any changes made will not affect the total amount you would otherwise have paid over the Minimum Term of your Contract.
Suspending the payments
Suspension of payments may be possible under the terms of your Membership Agreement. Payments may be suspended for a minimum of 2 weeks at a time so long as the total time suspended within 12 months does not exceed 8 weeks. In order to suspend payments you should contact DebitSuccess at least 3 days prior to the date of the first suspended payment. There is a charge of $4.00 per week while the Membership Agreement is suspended unless a different fee is specified on the front of this Contract. Any time spent on suspension will be added onto the Minimum Term of the Membership Agreement so that the sum of the instalments payable for the Minimum Term or number of payments shall still be payable regardless of any suspension or suspension charges made.
Cancelling the payments
You can cancel this Direct Debit Request Authority by requesting this of DebitSuccess or your bank. Cancellation of the authority to debit your account will not terminate this Membership Agreement or remove your liability to make the payments you have agreed to.
If you dispute any debit payment, you must notify DebitSuccess immediately. DebitSuccess will respond to your dispute within 7 working days and will immediately refund the amount of the debit if we are not able to substantiate the reason for it. If you do not receive a satisfactory response from us to your dispute contact your financial institution who will respond to you with an answer to your claim within 5 business days if your claim is lodged within 12 months of the disputed drawing, or within 30 business days if your claim is lodged after 12 months from the disputed drawing.
Non-Working day
When the day to debit falls on a weekend or public holiday the debit will be initiated on the next working day.
Dishonoured payments
It is your responsibility to ensure that on the due date clear funds are available in your nominated account to meet the direct debit payment. Should your payment be dishonored DebitSuccess will debit you an additional $7.50 (unless your Contract stipulates otherwise) with your next payment and may, if we have not received instructions to the contrary from you, debit both the current due payment and the now overdue payment(s) on the same day. DebitSuccess may debit other fees or costs involved with debt collection in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract
All enquiries should be directed to DebitSuccess and should be made at least 1 working day prior to the next scheduled debit date.
Your other responsibilities
In addition to those already mentioned, you are responsible for ensuring that your nominated account is able to accept direct debits. If it is not, it is your responsibility to provide DebitSuccess with a new account number.
The Creative Corner is a registered not for profit organisation. The Creative Corner management and team is here to help members of the South West creative industries grow and succeed. If you have any questions, comments or feedback at all regarding these terms and conditions, please reach out to us at any time and talk to us.