Formed in 2018, bureau42 provides a unique range of services for their clients, from developing bespoke marketing plans, building search and social advertising campaigns, through to data integration for automated dashboards and media planning & strategy.

Tell us about your journey to becoming a creative?

Firstly, not really sure I consider myself a ‘creative’. I do work within part of the creative industries but we look through a different lens when it comes to creative. That being said, after a couple of start and fails at different Uni degrees, I finally Graduated with Marketing & PR degree from Curtin University. Like many young Aussie’s I then went travelling with my now wife, after spending a year in the UK, we came home and I got a job with a media agency in Perth. Fast forward 10 years, and it was in-part through my involvement with Emergence that we realised Perth just wasn’t for us, and given we spend so much time in the South West, holidays and got married down here, what better place to start a new business and raise a young family hence we moved down south. That move triggered my involvement with bureau42 and the opportunity to work with local businesses to assist with their digital marketing.

How has your creative practice changed over time?

The biggest change has been how we work with clients, we’ve been lucky as a business to have some positive growth over the past couple of years. With that growth has seen us able to offer clients a new range of services, specifically around analysis and assistance with marketing strategy. Add to this the changes COVID brought about for businesses, especially around digital transformation we started seeing more clients understand the need to have better digital presence, marketing and importantly ability to measure and adapt based on data and information. This was extended to all clients, not just large organisations.

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced working in the creative sector?

Having people realise that great talent and capabilities exist right here in our own backyard, people don’t need to go to Perth, over east or international to get a job done. We are filled with amazing people with brilliant experience right across the region.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Be a duck. Everyone see’s you glide across the water, making it look effortless. Behind the scenes, under the water your legs are powering along non-stop getting the job done.

What would your dream project look like, if you had unlimited money and time? 

This wont be as exciting as some of the Creative Corner’s other members dream projects, so apologies… But for us, we love data, we love looking and interpreting data, understanding the story it is telling. So our dream project is to develop an algorithm and dashboard that can ingest multiple data points, across different channels and the output is a clear understanding of how your communication is working and the attribution of each element. Told you it wasn’t as exciting as the real creators!

Name three creatives that inspire you and why?

Mat Lewis – His passion for the region. His sole focus is promoting the region and importantly the people within it, regardless of the industry they operate. And he’s just one of the most creative people I’ve ever met.

Vaughan Ransley – One of the best designers I’ve come across. Complimented by the entire team at Jack in the box, Vaughan’s work often doesn’t get the recognition (or as much as it should) but it’s amazing and some of the best I’ve seen.

Jeff Halley – Most likely unknown to many, but Jeff has been pivotal in the WA local music scene, he’s someone I’m lucky enough to have worked with previously and his work ethic and reputation has always been something I’ve admired and looked too. He’s also big in Brazil…

Bureau 42 Website and Facebook