I have broad life, academic and art collaboration experience. I went through a “go to university” for fun phase including Literary Theory, Cross Cultural Discourse, Indigenous art, Medieval Theatre, Archaeology and the Dead Sea Scrolls eventually circling back to the un fun study I started with, which was an Economics degree but instead did a Sustainability Degree with a Hons critiquing the Economics Laureate William Nordhaus, so I eventually went full circle. While I’m not an Economist (I actually think the whole field is warped by Marginalism and is of little use). However I bring an Economics and business like mindset to the process and that is then informed by my other academic and creative history. A high point in my arts journey was facilitating and assisting in a local work done by https://chrisbooth.co.nz/
As part of my Sustainability degree I was only a couple of units shy of a Community Development Theory degree I’m adapting those practices to various fields and situations both for individual businesses and organisations. In terms of policy level consultancy I’ve adapted Community Development Theory to Complexity as in Harvard’s Atlas of Complexity.
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